Guest Profile: Joel Goldstein, President of Goldstein Group Communications

Joel joins The Best Team Wins Podcast tomorrow and we’re excited to share his experience with you. Read more below about Joel and his company in advance of the episode.

  • What is your name?
    Joel Goldstein
  • What’s your title?
  • In 100 words or less, describe what your company does:
    Goldstein Group Communications (GGC) creates high impact branding and lead generation programs for b-to-b companies that are seeking more powerful ways to find and keep customers.  The company specializes in Marketing to Engineers and has a long track record in writing engineer-to-engineer technical copy that other agencies struggle to produce. GGC was founded in 1992 as a public relations agency and today represents both entrepreneurial and billion-dollar multi-national firms throughout the country, with 50% of revenues coming from clients outside Ohio. GGC combines both left-brain analytics with right-brain creativity to provide a powerful marketing approach that leads to “Measurably Better Marketing.”
  • Where is the company based?
    Solon, Ohio
  • When was the company founded?
  • How many employees do you have?
  • Is your company bootstrapped, or have you raised equity financing (VCs, angels, etc)?
    No debt other than the building mortgage.
  • What company accomplishment or milestone in the past 12 months are you most proud of?Achieving Platinum Status as a VAR for HubSpot.
  • What’s the #1 company issue or area of focus for you right now?
    Generating sales-ready opportunities for technical and engineering-oriented companies to pursue.